美国顶级外教绘本课的老师是孩子们非常喜欢的Amy老师,Amy在美国顶尖小学任教40余年,教学经验非常丰富。 她毕业于美国南卡罗莱纳大学儿童教育专业,研究生毕业于对外英语教学专业,持有最具含金量的TESOL证书,她曾任日本大学英文教授。
这个绘本课的内容更吸引人了,全都是超经典的英文绘本,里面有不少都是廖彩杏、吴敏兰推荐。 有孩子们超级喜欢的卡尔爷爷的传世之作:《Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?》、《The Very Hungry Caterpillar》…… 有韵律十足听上几遍就能唱出来的儿歌童谣:《Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed》、《The Wheels on the Bus》、《Down by the Station》、《Row, Row, Row Your Boat》…… 有英文科普类的I AM系列:《I Am an Apple》、《I’m a Caterpillar》、《I Am a Leaf》…… 有获得过绘本界奥斯卡的凯迪克大奖作品:《Color Zoo》、《Inch by Inch》、《Seven Blind Mice》 有苏斯博士的自然拼读系列:《Hop on Pop》、《Fox in Socks》、《The Foot Book》 还有孩子们特别喜欢的以卡通形象为主角的绘本:《Kipper’s Christmas Eve》、《Kipper’s Monster》……
- Brown bear ,Brown bear,What do you see
- Down by the Station
- Dr. Seuss Hop On Pop
- Green Eggs and Ham
- Henny Penny
- Ape in a cape
- Hattie and the Fox
- The very hungry caterpillar
- Fox in Socks
- Does a Kangaroo Have A Mother, Too
- The Wheels on the Bus
- ABC.(Dr.Seuss.-.ABC)
- Go Away Big Green Monster
- Today is Monday
- Sheep in Jeep
- King Bidgoods In The Bathtub
- Sheep in a Shop
- The Mixed Up Chameleon
- Five Littele Monkeys Sitting in a Tree
- Color Zoo
- Rosie’s Walk
- Five Little Ducks
- Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush
- Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear
- the napping house
- We are going on a bear hunt
- Walking Through the Jungle
- Is Your Mama a Llama
- The Very Quiet Cricket
- Five little monkeys jumping on the bed
- The Animal Boogie
- The Foot Book
- kipper’s A to Z
- one fish, two fish,Red Fish Blue Fish
- on market street
- Silly Sally
- Each Peach Pear Plum
- Papa Please Get the Moon For Me
- Quick as a Cricket
- eating the alphlabet
- See You Later Alligator
- I am an Apple
- I Am A Caterpillar
- The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear
- A Dragon on the Doorstep
- Alligators All Around
- I Am A Seed
- Maisy Goes Camping
- The Itsy Bitsy Spider
- I Am A Leaf
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